
Monday 5 September 2016

How to comment!!

this piece of work was from last week! it was a fun activity with my friend's doing and we were doing staff about positive,thoughtful,helpful!My goal was to make my comment more positive,thoughtful,helpful and when I focused on my work and I over came my goal and Making shore you have a read!!


  1. Hey Kotahi, my name is Avei and I created a video about the Harakeke Whetu and I am a year seven at Edmund Hillary School. Those are some great ideas about how to comment helpful things, thoughtful things and also positive stuff, you're a very smart guy to come up with things like that. Have you thought about using different sentence starters intead of "A helpful comment is when for example" maybe you could think about that next time you do something similar to this. If you want maybe you could check out my blog sometime it is

  2. great job kotahi I like how you gave me some idea about commenting maybe try to use lighter back round.

    1. thank you for the comment I will use your advice next time
